Thursday, March 19, 2009

Springtime in Charleston!

My recent visits to Charleston, SC have been revealing little previews of what is to come. I have been noticing more and more azaleas, saucer magnolias, and camelias blooming, in addition to other flowering shrubs. I am sure it will only be another week or two before the city is exploding with color! I happened to catch this Cornus florida (Florida dogwood) in peak bloom, and thought I should share. Only a few days later it was already past its prime and beginning to brown. I was unable to get any detailed pictures because this tree was in a gated church yard, but hopefully I will get some up for a feature before the season is finished. One thing I have definitely noticed about the Florida dogwoods in this area, is that they seem to be much healthier and happier than those planted in Oregon. In Oregon it is rare to see a Cornus florida that is not stunted and afflicted with anthracnose, but it is no surprise given the cool, wet weather conditions in the Pacific Northwest. It is always refreshing to see such a potentially stunning plant in an appropriate climate/growing conditions.


Beth said...

Oh I miss these trees! I never knew what they were called, but they were all over our area up by Columbia. I miss the Magnolias too.

Can't say I miss those tall ugly pine trees there though...have you seen those yet? I know, you probably don't think any plant is ugly. ;)


Rebecca said...

While the pines around here are definitely not my favorite, they do make a nice environment for all the birds! My least favorite aspect of the pines though is all the pollen they are dumping everywhere. You can see it dumping out of the trees in big drifts, and everything outside is literally coated in yellow!

For the record - I definitely DO find some plants downright ugly! We'll not get into that for now, lol!