Thursday, February 12, 2009

Submitting a Plant Question

The focus of this blog is to talk about plants; their unique characteristics, identities, and care aspects. I ask that you keep your questions plant-specific to avoid digressing from the theme of this blog. There are far too many variables within different landscapes and gardens so I will not entertain general questions such as: "how do I care for my lawn or garden?" Here are some examples and guidelines for the type of questions you may submit:


  1. You must name a specific plant in your question.
  2. You must ask a specific question about the mentioned plant.


  • How do I prune my weeping beech tree?
  • What is the best time for transplanting rhododendrons?
  • How do I reduce black spot on my roses?
  • When do I cut back my daffodils?
  • What is the best method for propagating hydrangeas?

You get the idea. Just name a plant, and state a question! Send all your inquiries to:

No guarantees will be made that your question will be published. Please keep your emails clear and to the point if you want to increase your chances of being answered.